Welcome to National Youth Council’s Youth Portal. This portal has different tabs for browsing the youth related information. In the dataset tab, the indicators related to different sectors of youth, such as data and statistics can be found. The different datasets are visualized on related maps in the maps tab based on five pillars of Youth Vision 2025. A compilation of data related reports, laws, budget, regulations, directives, plans, policies, strategies, publication of yearbooks, notices, etc. can be found in the resources tab. Youth related news is also provided in the news tab, and different photos and videos of youth activities conducted by NYCis provided in the events tab. The agencies associated with NYC are listed in members tab.
This portal provides different information about youth status and opportunities that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Nepal. The various datasets give general information about youth: quality and vocational education, youth employment enterpreneurship and skill development, health and social security, youth mobilization, participation and leadership development, sports and entertainment for youth, etc.
About National Youth Council
The Government of Nepal established the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2065B.S. (2008) for the development and mobilization of the youth in Nepal. Along with the creation of the Ministry, a National Youth Policy was formulated and various programs relating to youth development and mobilization have been conducted. In the baseline paper (2070/2071-2072/2073) of the Thirteenth Plan of Nepal Government an empowerment strategy had been finalized for enhancing entrepreneurship and competence of the youth, making them active in programs of self-employment and income generation, and enabling them to take leadership in national development. Accordingly, various Ministries of Nepal Government have been implementing programs after designing sector-wise policies related to the youth in education, health, agriculture, tourism, labor, employment and sports.
The Youth Council Act 2072 has already been promulgated to coordinate the youth related programs for youth development and mobilization by constituting the National Youth Council under the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The promulgation of the Youth Council Act has enabled a legal way for the constitution of the National Youth Council, and along with the establishment of the Council, an organizational structure has been created for youth development and mobilization. In the National Youth Policy-2072 comprehensive subject matters of youth development have been incorporated in the form of policy. It is imperative to set the priorities for the subject matters in order fix them and to implement strategic work plan and programs for a clear approach on youth development. A ten year long strategic plan including “Youth Vision-2025” has been approved by the government in order to implement the National Youth Policy, 2072 effectively. Through the National Youth Council by mobilizing various Ministries and bodies of Nepal Government, associations and organizations concerned with youth development and international donor agencies in order to achieve the target of youth development in a coordinated manner. The issues of youth are a crosscutting with various sectors.
Youth is the most active, energetic and dynamic group in a country and are considered the agents of political, economic and social changes. Both developed and developing countries have achieved progress through the quantitative and qualitative development of young human resources. Nepal is at a juncture where it can take advantage of the potential of its large young population for growth and prosperity of the nation, therefore it is critical to empower its youth population and equip them with resources that will enable them to move the country in the path of development and prosperity.