The quality and vocational education can prepare qualified, capable and strong youth workforce.
It ensures that equal opportunities and access are available for all Nepali youth so as to prevent
education from becoming a factor responsible for creating two classes and perpetuating the cycle
of poverty and exclusion in our society. As one of the pillars of Youth Vision 2015, Quality and
Vocational Education. The data set contains present status and five year interval targeted datasets
related to quality and vocational education in youth, and its visualization in different
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It is necessary to create youth employments and entrepreneurship by increasing investment in
important sectors of prospective economic growth; including tourism, agriculture, water
resources, energy, forest, infrastructure and herbal products. This pillar aims to enhance
extensive youth participation for preparing industrial human resources by increasing the price of
agricultural products through processing.This pillar contains present status and five year interval
targeted datasets related to youth employment, entrepreneurship and skils development and its
visualization in different graphs/charts.
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The objective of this pillar is to enable the state to undertake the obligation for medical treatment
of the indigent youths suffering from serious disease by investing the required percentage of the
total domestic product in health; and to increase investment in reproductive and mental health of
the youth, and also need to increase investment in social security of the youth belonging to
special priority groups.There should be extensive reform in the awareness among the youth
regarding gender violence, human trafficking, reproductive health, drug addiction, HIV/AIDS
and reproductive health.This pillar contains present status and five year interval targeted datasets
related to youth health and social security and its visualization in different graphs/charts.
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The objective of this pillar is to mobilize Nepali youth indifferent productive areas such as forest
and environmental protection, and reduction of the impact of global climate change by utilizing
scientific technology. It is necessary to develop honest, far sighted, optimistic messages
regarding the future of the nation and competent youth leadership by promoting positive thinking
and self-confidence among the youth.This pillar contains present status and five year interval
targeted datasets related to youth mobilization, participation and leadership development and its
visualization in different graphs/charts.
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The aim of this pillar is to build national unity and international recognition through sports and
entertainment by increasing investment in sports and entertainment in order to ensure that Nepali youth is both physically fit and mentally sound. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to interlink
sports and entertainment with geographical characteristics of Nepal and to connect adventurous
sports, arts and culture with tourism and entertainment. This pillar contains present status and
five year interval targeted datasets related to youth mobilization, participation and leadership
development and its visualization in different graphs/charts.
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